Gratiot County Democratic Party
2023 Goals
- Continue to grow party membership in the county with an emphasis on attracting varied members
- Become more of a presence in the townships and villages of Gratiot County
- Attract more voters and candidates as well as provide support for elected Democrats
Executive Committee and Committee Chairpersons
Chair: Christie Freestone
Vice Chair: Al Bartholomew
Secretary: Lisa Gregory
Treasurer: Brent DeVries
Membership: Caroline DeGraaf
Public Relations: Marc Raycraft
Fundraising: Liz Weaver
Newsletter: Lisa Gregory
Parliamentarian: Nancy O’Brien
Candidate Liasion: Bobbie Renshaw
Forums: Ed Lorenz
Resolutions: Betty Apple
Event management: Renee Faustmann
Vice Chair: Al Bartholomew
Secretary: Lisa Gregory
Treasurer: Brent DeVries
Membership: Caroline DeGraaf
Public Relations: Marc Raycraft
Fundraising: Liz Weaver
Newsletter: Lisa Gregory
Parliamentarian: Nancy O’Brien
Candidate Liasion: Bobbie Renshaw
Forums: Ed Lorenz
Resolutions: Betty Apple
Event management: Renee Faustmann